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An Eternal Bond with Health

Hello ladies,

After almost two weeks of researching on what type of diet and work out routines that will really work for me, I have finally planned a full week meal, supplement & exercise schedule. Praying really hard to stay disciplined this time. I actually read a lot of the net, thank you Google! can't imagine a life without you. Among the pages that really put some sense in to my fussy brain/mind are:

I learned that calorie counting will help prevent putting on undesired weight and we can actually create yummy meals which are "diet-friendly".  In this website you can learn tips and tricks that can actually save you from binging on unhealthy meals. Please go ahead and subscribe and introduce it to friends and family. The founder Lisa is hosting shows on AFC (Asian Food Channel)called The Hungry Girl.
There are more interesting information in this site too,among a few that I find it interesting are easy and printable recipes under " Chew the Right Thing" and  amazing survival strategies for the weekend in the " Girls Bite Out". Check it out girls!

Another great Website ladies, it is like one-stop-all you need while dieting website. You will find useful, diet information, recipes and meal plans and tools to keep you going. Their diet plan come in 3 phases; 

Phase 1 : Eliminate Cravings, Rapid Weight Loss,Only 14 (sounds like mortal combat to me, will give it a     

Phase 2 : Eat a variety of Delicious Foods, Reach Your Goal Weight

Phase 3 :  Maintain Weight Loss for Life ( mortal combat indeed)

Another important thing before you go on or decide to stop quitting is to condition you mind with motivational reads. Here You can find 50 ways to stay motivated to Lose Weight. My toppers are :

43) Know Yourself. Understanding who you are as an individual, and why you make the choices you make, is so important. Don’t work against your natural tendencies- work with them! If you are a walker, don’t try to force yourself into becoming a marathon runner. If you are a social butterfly, take a new fitness class with a friend, or if you prefer solo exercise, try out a new Pilates DVD at home.

42) Take note of your options and actions. Research shows that making specific movements forward, no matter how small, gives us more motivation to keep going. “Take 5 minutes to brainstorm all the options you have for breaking through what's holding you back and for making progress toward your goal (write down every option you can think of - including things like changing or tossing out the goal)” recommends Julie Lynch Principal. Review the list and pick out one option and then turn it into an action: decide what will you do, with whom, and by when.

37) Take it one ½ day at a time. Sometimes you just have to focus on one half day at a time, says life coach Diana Fletcher. Instead of focusing on the miles and miles ahead of you on your journey, simply focus on what is immediately in front of you, such as the first half of your day. You can do anything for a 1/2 day! Once you make it past the first half, focus on the next to stay motivated rather than overwhelmed. 

19) Schedule all your workouts at least a month ahead of time. Creating workout “dates” on your calendar really gives your plan priority and structure says fitness expert Tony Horton, author of Bring It: The Revolutionary Fitness Plan for All Levels That Burns Fat, Builds Muscle, and Shreds Inches. Plug it into your iphone, Blackberry, or Outlook calendar or write them down on an old-fashioned wall calendar.

13) Have an accountability partner. Find a friend, trainer, or group (10 Pounds DOWNanyone?) that will keep you on track when you miss a workout, or feel like quitting suggestsStephen Cooper, certified personal trainer.

2) Set reasonable goals. Ask yourself if what you are trying to accomplish is reasonable. “Trying to achieve too much in too little time can actually set you back” warns Dr. Andrew Weil, Director of Integrative Health and Healing at Miraval Resort & Spa. Losing 50 pounds in 2 months is unreasonable, but losing 10 pounds in 2 months is. 

3) LIMIT but do not ELIMINATE. “Eliminating your favorite foods will just make you want/crave them more,” says Rania Batayneh, MPH. Instead, Batayneh suggests allowing yourself those less healthy choices, but finding a way to limit your intake (in portion or frequency) to avoid feelings of deprivation.

5) Try tipping your scales with blue. Did you know that the color blue is a known appetite suppressant? Why not use a little color to help you stay on track? “Eat your dinner on a blue plate and you'll discover that you need less to feel full,” advises color intuitive expert Elizabeth Harper.


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