Dear Readers and Friends,
Is time to dust the pages of this blog again. Much needed activity now that things are so much in order in my personal life. Well I have found home in places, I once thought will never be possible again. On top of everything, I have found home in me. Cliché much, well I don't think so....haha. When you take the right amount of rebirths..many many....then you will rediscover you over and over again.
Fear has subsided, wholeness has started to take form. I may have started this blog 10 years ago. A younger self who had dreams as wide as the ocean....she never equipped herself to fight the rough tides. She got hit one too many times. Ended up in an island of hope, not knowing that both land waters houses challenges. Determined, she did make the island her fort, her safe space, her sweet spot...
Forgetting the ocean for dreams, never thinking of going back to the waters to continue her quest. Her blessed heart, brought her wise words from her fairy-god-mother ( my mum ) she called her out for not being herself and asked her who gave her the rights to forsaken her own dreams. All of a sudden, I cried out loud....fairy-god-mother....those dreams are not forsaken, I am my best is lonesome, more than fear I am numb. The wise one told, her I now set you free....liberate my child....then I just grew a pair for wings.
Home is where the heart feels at ease. Home is where I feel desired. Home is where it enriches the soul. Home is where liberation takes place. Ciao Bella....Till we meet again in my next post.
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