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Showing posts from 2020

Redemption - 2020

December Greetings,  It has been a good 12 months since I last blogged, maybe a lot more months in total from my last blog post. Haha, I am lazy. That doesn't mean I did not write, I have been writing and I may even finally be a published writer with a wedding magazine. What is a divorced woman doing in a place like a wedding magazine you ask ? Well I have been assigned to write interview articles.  Since CORONA has decided to wipe-out the global population, I did not want my blog to become a WIPE-OUT too.  So here is a post!! I am reprioritizing everything in my life, everything that is dragging my energy down has to go go go! I was  thinking why wait for a new year to realign? Everyday is a new opportunity isn't it? Well, I hope most of us will make positive changes to life on a daily basis. I came to terms with myself on being appreciative and I now know it comes from within. When you appreciate everything that starts from feel at ease when it comes to doing so